As units of plant and equipment wear out or become obsolete, they must be scrapped, sold, or traded in on new equipment. 由于各项固定资产会磨损或过时,它们必须被报废、出售或置换新设备。
Article 12 The nation shall implement a time-limited system for the elimination of obsolete or obsolescent production technologies, processes, equipment and products gravely hazardous to environments and wasteful of resources. 第十二条国家对浪费资源和严重污染环境的落后生产技术、工艺、设备和产品实行限期淘汰制度。
The use of obsolete machinery and equipment has also led to defects in the automobile and power equipment sector. 使用废旧器械和设备也导致汽车与能源设备行业存在缺陷。
Measures should be tightened to prevent unwarranted transfer to the western region of discarded, obsolete industrial equipment and polluting enterprises. 防止已淘汰的落后工业设备、污染企业向西部地区转移。
Many technology firms are already eliminating certain chemicals and offering recycling schemes to help their customers dispose of obsolete equipment. 许多技术公司已经在淘汰某些化学物品,并开始提供再利用方案以帮助客户处置废弃的设备。
Slang, referring to an antiquated computer; any obsolete data processing equipment. 专业俚语,指过时的计算机,或陈旧的各种数据处理装置。
Professional acquisition of a variety of scrap metals, electronic wires, plastic, chemical waste and obsolete equipment, and other waste materials. 专业收购各种废旧金属、电子电线、塑胶、化工废料及废旧设备等其他废旧物资。
The machine transformed into applying existing process requirement can reduce investment of equipment; also play full action of obsolete equipment. 机床经过改造适后应现有工艺要求,既可以降低设备投入,又可以充分发挥陈旧设备的作用。
In order to strengthen the medical equipment management and prevent the lose of fixed assets, the obsolete equipment management becomes more important. 加强医疗设备的管理,防止固定资产的流失,搞好设备报废管理至关重要。
At present there exist the main problems about rust removal of metal oil reservoir: obsolete equipment, backward technique, intensive labour, harm to human body, poor security and bad quality of rust removal, etc. 当前金属油罐除锈存在的主要问题是:设备陈旧、工艺落后、工作效率低、不经济、劳动强度大、危害人体健康、安全性差以及除锈质量不高等。
Sinopec Anqing Company has a 70,000 t/ y acrylic fiber plant, the former control system has some problems such as the closed communication, obsolete equipment, frequent malfunction and has no PC station to stakeout the circs of the field production. 安庆石化腈纶厂腈纶生产线的原控制系统存在通信协议是非公开协议、设备老化、故障率高、没有上位监控机等一系列问题,急需改造。
Meanwhile, how to utilize obsolete equipment to meet new system train demand is also one research field of this paper. 与此同时,如何充分利用陈旧设备以满足新系统培训要求也是本文的一个研究领域。
Later stage management is the one of obsolete and scrapped equipment and facilities. 人员培训、操作规程的订立和执行、设备的维护保养,后期管理为设备的淘汰报废管理。
Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Russian oil and gas industries have been confronting serious difficulties due to investment decrease, obsolete equipment, traffic expense and domestic tax much higher than the level of international market. 苏联解体后,由于投资下降、设备老化、运输成本及国内税率大大高于国际市场等特点,石油、天然气工业面临着严重的困难。
The following problems are indicated through on-the-spot investigation: ① The quality of exploration can not be ensured due to the obsolete equipment and formidable conditions; 通过实地调查指出以下几个问题,①勘探设备陈旧、条件艰苦,难以保证勘探质量;
Certain recommendations are given about vitalizing national economy, retrofit of obsolete units and development of advanced domestic manufactured power equipment of large rating. 并提出若干振兴民族经济、改造电厂和研制新锐国产大型发电设备的建议。
In allusion to the actual obsolete measure method of armor equipment complex parts, the article has presented a approach to measure by using three-dimensional coordinate instrument, what greatly increased in precision and efficiency of measure, offered strongly guarantee and support to maintain armor equipment. 针对目前装甲装备零件检测方法的陈旧,提出了利用三维坐标量仪进行检测的方法,大副度的提高了检测精度和检测效率,为装甲装备的维修提供了强有力的保障和支持。
The great majority of domestic medium and small nitrogenous fertilizer plants has been in existence for thirty or forty years and these units are still in a state of backward technology, obsolete equipment, high consumption and high cost. 我国绝大部分中小氮肥厂已有三四十年的历史,这些装置仍然处在技术落后、设备陈旧、消耗大、成本高的状态。
The developed countries will continuously innovate technology 、 quality and safety and so on to enter into the trade barriers standard to make the developing countries continuously to import foreign advanced equipment and obsolete own equipment. It will limit the technology innovation development space of developing countries. 发达国家有可能会通过不断地创新技术、质量、安全等进入贸易壁垒标准要求,使发展中国家不断动态引进外国先进的技术,同时淘汰其自身的生产设备,从而限制发展中国家的技术创新的发展空间。
But as for the further development of society there appeared a lot of problems in irrigation and water conservancy areas: infrastructure, obsolete equipment, lower repairment state, serious blockage, imperfect management system, supply and confusion, such issues lying everywhere. 但是随着社会的进一步发展,农田水利方面的很多问题也随之凸现出来,基础设施设备陈旧、维修状况较差、沟渠淤塞严重、管理体制不完善、供给主体的缺失和混乱等问题处处皆是。
Traditional railway freight stations are lagging behind the standards of modern logistics, due to its obsolete equipment and simple operation mode. As they fail to meet the high level and diverse requirements of passenger service, they are constraining the development of railway cargo transport station. 传统的铁路货运站,无论是陈旧的设备,还是单一的经营模式,都离现代物流的标准有很大的差距,无法适应旅客服务高层次和多样化的需求,成为铁路货运发展的制约。
From the equipment, the current domestic gas stations obsolete equipment, low degree of automation can not improve the management level of filling stations. 从设备方面来讲,目前国内加油站设备陈旧,自动化程度低,根本无法提高加油站的管理水平。
Problems include five aspects: improper major and curriculum, obsolete course content and teaching methods, insufficient funds and equipment, weak in training forces, imperfected evaluation and management system. 这些问题主要包括五大方面:专业与课程设置不合理,课程内容与教学方式陈旧,经费与设备配备不足,师资与培训力量薄弱,评价与管理体系不完善。
Also because of the replacement of Obsolete equipment of each Railways Bureau, and to meet the requirements of quality, efficiency and so on, equipment will be designed to numerical control equipment. 由于焊瘤则会使钢轨的质量下降,焊瘤必须除掉,又由于各铁路局设备陈旧需要更新换代,加上为了满足质量、效率等要求将设备设计成数控设备。
Therefore, the environmental injustice between the developed regions and the backwardness regions mainly showed the shift of the pollution-intensive industries and obsolete equipment to the west. 所以我国发达地区与落后地区间的环境不公问题主要表现为,东部地区淘汰掉的污染密集产业和落后陈旧设备向西部地区的转移。